Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Now that you have waited the exciting changes can be revealed.

We are thrilled to announce that we have some new professionals joining us at My Midwives .

We have three new midwives joining the My Midwives Toowoomba. Jodie Mackie is a midwife and lactation consultant who is also passionate about the education side of birth and parenting. Jodie will be working with us on Wednesday’s and Fridays covering our Antenatal Courses and also Birth Preparation Group.  We are also excited to welcome Erika Hobba and Coral a Wilkinson as final year midwifery students, moving into their graduate year.

Providing a new element of care to My Midwives we have Leah Palmer-O’Malley joining us from Bellies n Bubs  Yoga and Massage. 

Leah will be taking appointments for massage and reflexology at the My Midwives clinic commencing Tuesday’s 21st August.  We are thrilled to have Leah on board as an expert in her field especially in the pregnancy and postnatal periods for women. 

If you would like more information about our new services and would like an appointment with any of our new practitioners please phone the clinic on 46 422 977.

Finally we are commencing a midwifery service at Grand Central.  My Midwives will be in the Level 2 Parents Room every Wednesday morning between 9.30am – 12.30pm. Our accredited midwifery staff will provide a range of services including antenatal information and advice, blood pressure checks, education for women and comprehensive post birth checks for mother and baby up to six weeks after birth. These services are available as Medicare bulk billed visits.  * Terms and Conditions apply.  

Please stay tuned as those aren’t the last of the announcements for the month.  The next teaser is news for Brisbane………

Love The My Midwives Team xxx

*You must be pregnant or have a baby no more than six weeks old and hold a current Medicare card to receive a bulk billed service.

The My Midwives Blog is an open blog. We welcome contributions about family, being a parent, your birthing experiences, an experience with your children, advice and more. Please send contributions to , we will attribute your post to you or keep it anonymous.

For more information about our services please visit our website

Monday, 6 August 2012

Exciting Changes Ahead!

We haven’t posted on the blog recently due to the absence of our amazing practice manager who drives us all to blog regularly.  But after a reasonably stressful day which started with me talking on the mobile phone about the strategic direction of Queensland maternity services – whilst I blindly backed into a car out on the easement in front of my house – I decided I better stir myself into action.

What has stirred me?

Well My Midwives is about to launch our most exciting changes since we opened.
I know – it is a teaser – what are we launching?  Well given that we have done a few pretty exciting things in our short life and I am saying this is the most exciting – I would suggest you come back on Wednesday 8th August to find out!!

Liz x

The My Midwives Blog is an open blog. We welcome contributions about family, being a parent, your birthing experiences, an experience with your children, advice and more. Please send contributions to , we will attribute your post to you or keep it anonymous.

For more information about our services please visit our website

Thursday, 5 July 2012

An almighty powerful special woman and Mum.

The My Midwives Blog is an open blog. We welcome contributions about family, being a parent, your birthing experiences, an experience with your children, advice and more. Please send contributions to , we will attribute your post to you or keep it anonymous.

My Birth story... hmmm when I went to write my birth story, a little while ago now, my first thought was sure I can do that.. then I tried and my tears welled up and I made a mess of the paper I was writing on. My story is filled with tears both sad and joyous. Today I am typing my story with the keyboard pushed far away from me so as not to short it out with those same tears. I apologise also in advance as it is a long story.

To tell the story of how I came to birth with My Midwives I must tell a little of my first birth to my gorgeous son Ashton. Ashton’s pregnancy was wonderful, I used to enjoy folding his tiny clothes on my bump as it grew. I believed I could have a natural, normal birth the way women have done for eons. I signed up to have midwife care through the hospital in the hopes to achieve this. I researched and researched on everything I wanted to happen and not to happen when I went into labor and because of this my birth plan was extensive.
When 40 weeks came and Ashton didn’t the doctors started to discuss induction. I took it in but just told myself he would come and it wouldn’t be necessary. The next week dragged on. I knew I wanted to let Ashton come when he wanted to but he seemed quite intent on staying put. When 40 weeks and 10 days was drawing close the doctors started insisting I couldn’t go over the 10 days as it would be extremely harmful to my baby boy and that all the research I had done was unfounded. On top of that they insisted I would go in to be induced on the 8th day because the 10th day fell on a Sunday. I crumbled under the pressure and was admitted for induction Friday morning. A cascade of interventions is what happened, something I had read about but not researched quite enough. My body and my baby were subjected to one thing after another despite constantly requesting for second opinions or flat out saying no.

When my body rejected every interference, and my life and the life of my baby boy was put in danger I felt I had no will left to fight and no voice left to fight with. When hours had passed and Ashton had still not descended past 4cms the doctors started to tell me it had been too long and an emergency caesarean was required. I asked for my baby to be given to me straight after birth but they refused. I fought that they would let my husband go and have the skin to skin in the nursery while they did the necessary observations , and this they agreed to. I was wheeled into the theatre and Ashton was born. I was crying and although extremely happy my baby boy was safe and well, I felt a failure. I got to see him for such a short time before they took him away and wheeled me in the opposite direction alone. I was put into recovery and left all alone with no support. It was a good 3 hours before I saw Ashton again. I was still numb to my shoulders so a nurse had to latch him on for his first feed which didn’t go very well and resulted in severely damaged nipples.

The first few weeks of Ashton’s life were extremely difficult, I had post-natal depression and didn’t know it. I felt like my body had failed me, that something was wrong with me and that I was less of a woman, less of a mother because of this. It took a very long time for me to realise it was not my fault. Also that it wasn’t just any one doctor’s fault either, but rather the system and the policies and the belief that exists in this world at the moment that a woman cannot do what nature intended of her without these interventions.

Fast forward a year and I was slowly starting to deal with everything that happened. I was starting to think about the possibility of having a second child and doing it the natural, normal way. I again researched and researched and researched some more til I understood exactly what had happened the first time. My husband and I decided to start trying for baby #2 and. after a very traumatic miscarriage, we were again pregnant. I was determined to not let a cascade of interventions rob me of my joy the way it had the first time.

I started to look for extra support for my cause in the form of a midwife. This is when I came across the team at my midwives. I was able to meet with them and share a little of my story and I was heard! From the first step in their home I was welcomed and loved and made to feel every bit a strong and powerful woman. I was teamed up with Ros and with her help we made our way through every little hiccup through my pregnancy, and I must say most of those hiccups were my tears and dull self-belief. My midwife and the whole team at my midwives empowered me to be the woman I am again. With every visit a little more tarnish was removed from my self belief.

It was not an easy pregnancy like Ashton’s was. My little girl Amelia was determined from the start to be so very different from her older brother. But I was able to deal with everything we came across thanks to the midwives. Being able to walk into my appointments with my special midwife and getting cuddles, rescue remedy, and being listened to was everything I needed. 

As we neared Amelia’s due date I started to worry that she would be late and the doctors would want to push induction again. My midwife was always calm about this which in turn calmed me down. She was always so positive that it would be ok that Amelia wouldn’t be late so we needn’t worry. On Amelia’s due date I decided I would clean the house so that Amelia would have to make her appearance. Instead I ended up with a very strange complex migraine and was admitted to the hospital for the night for observations.
My Midwife showed real concern for me and I was comforted by her and her care for me. While I was in the hospital I was awoken by the first of my labor pains. I remember thinking “well at least I’m in the right place for it”. The next day with my head returned to normal I went home to see what my labor would do. It progressed slowly through the day until late that night( a Friday) I couldn’t labor quietly at home anymore. When we rang my midwife she kept me calm and said she would meet us at the hospital. When we got to the hospital my midwife listened to me and how I felt. She understood that I was the best person to listen to about how I felt. I was feeling a pain in my caesarean scar that I was separate from the labor pains I was having. When I expressed that I wished to stay in the birthing suite to be observed I was listened to. My midwife ensured that I was made comfortable and that anything that was going to happen would only happen if I was comfortable with it.
My midwife stayed with me for support for the most part of the night and I am very grateful for that. In the early hours of the morning I was getting extremely tired and the pain through my scar was starting to worry me. I also felt that I was not progressing and apon being checked this was found to be so. Without any input from anyone else I made the decision to have another caesarean.

When I asked my midwife this she asked if it was definitely what I wanted but assured me that it was my decision and she would support whatever I wanted to do. I felt thanks to my midwife I was empowered enough to make the decision for myself without feeling like a failure. We had to wait for the doctors to be ready and it was a few hours before this was so. The entire time we were waiting I was still having contractions but no progress was being made. Ros was with the supporting me the whole time.

When it was time we were wheeled into the theatre my midwife was with me. She was there for support the whole time. We have beautiful pictures of the birth of Amelia thanks to my midwife! This time there was no question that I was going to get to do skin to skin with my baby girl as soon as possible! There was also no question that both my midwife and my husband would be with me in the recovery room.
When Amelia was born she came out with the happiest cry I have ever heard. It was as if she was calling out “I’m here! It’s about time!” I had no tears this time I was just extremely happy. In the recovery room along with my midwife and my hubby I was able to have skin to skin with my baby girl for the first time! This time she made her own way to my breast for her first feed and it was an absolutely beautiful and breathtaking moment. It was moments filled with laughter though as my newborn Amelia had a good look around at everyone in the room before having a feed! Something a newborn shouldn’t be able to do! My midwife was able to capture these moments on camera for us.
The next few days in the hospital were rough but my midwife called in on me and checked on me when she could. I ended up with a post-natal depression despite the birth going so well this time. With the help and support of my midwife though, a solution to help me was worked out.

For the first 6 weeks of Amelias life and my midwife was a constant support for me when I needed it and even after our time with my midwives came to an end my midwife is still a constant source of support and love and help. I still suffer badly with the complex migraines so don’t make it into the house very often but when I do get down there the My Midwives team always welcomes me with open arms and warm hugs!

I could never ever thank my Midwife and the Team as much as I wish I could. I was helped to believe in myself again. I was empowered with the knowledge that I can make decisions for myself and be supported in those decisions. I was also helped to feel like a woman, a mum, and an almighty powerful special one at that!

Monday, 2 July 2012

Words of Wisdom from a Six Year Old

The My Midwives Blog is an open blog. We welcome contributions about family, being a parent, your birthing experiences, an experience with your children, advice and more. Please send contributions to , we will attribute your post to you or keep it anonymous.

It appears my nagging has finally paid off! 


Friday, 15 June 2012

"There's Always Porridge"

The My Midwives Blog is an open blog.  We welcome contributions about family, being a parent, your birthing experiences, an experience with your children, advice and more.  Please send contributions to , we will attribute your post to you or keep it anonymous. 

Occasionally while driving home after a long day at work, the sun going down quicker than I’d like and all three children tired and cranky, I remember I forgot to turn the slow cooker on this morning! I start frantically racking my brains for what I can whip up in the kitchen (and for anyone who knows me well enough, knows this is far from one of my forte’s). Without a single decent meal coming to mind, I sing out “who’d like porridge for dinner?” Thankfully my darlings are very easily pleased and I get a resounding “YAY, ME!!” While they spend the rest of the drive across town discussing who will have banana and who will have honey on top, I breathe a sigh of relief and smile to myself knowing my husband is not going to be as ecstatic about tonight’s menu.

Since the women in my family have been thrust into the world of toddlerhood we have had a long standing joke that unless you’ve had weetbix for dinner you really haven’t lived!

For all you mums and dads out there who are striving to be the best you can be by putting the most nutritious food on the table…because that’s what good parents do…well I’m about to tell you my little secret. Every so often…there’s always porridge!

Ahh, the joys of parenting! What will you be having for dinner tonight?

Bec xxx

For Camille who will forever remember "there’s always porridge".

Thursday, 7 June 2012


Families are affected by this years Federal Budget.  Naomi Alleston from Achievit Financial Planning tells us how.

Budget measures and announcements – learn how the Federal Budget will impact your family finances.


Effective 1 July 2012 (already legislated)

 Changes to Income Tax Rates

Following the introduction of the Carbon Tax, it was announced that the personal income tax rates would change by adjusting the rates and the low income tax offset to create a higher effective tax-free threshold.

This achieves tax savings for anyone earning $80,000 or less. Those individuals earning more than $80,000 will not be affected.

Australian Resident Rates       







$6,001 – $37, 000
$18,201 - $37,000
$19,401 - $37,000
$37,001 – $80, 000
$37,001 – $80,000
$37,001 - $80,000
$80,001 – $180,000
$80,001 - $180,000
$80,001 - $180,000
$180,001 & above
$180,001 & above
$180,001 & above
Low Income
Tax Offset


#4% above


#1.5% above


#1% above
Effective tax
free threshold




# Rate at which LITO reduces above threshold

Net Medical Expense Tax Offset – Income Test

Effective from 1 July 2012

Currently, people who incur more than $2,060 of net medical expenses (after Medicare and private health fund refunds) receive a 20% tax offset on the balance above $2,060.

For individuals with an adjusted taxable income above $84,000 (families $168,000), the $2,060 cap will increase to $5,000 with the rate of reimbursement to drop to 10% for eligible out of pocket expenses.

People with income below $84,000 will continue to access the $2,060 cap.

Social Security and welfare payments

Schoolkids Bonus

Effective from 1 January 2013

The Government will replace the Education Tax Refund (ETR) with a Schoolkids Bonus to be paid as two equal instalments in January and July each year. Families in receipt of Family Tax Benefit Part A (FTB A) will be paid:

• $410 p.a. for each primary school student, and

• $820 p.a. for each secondary school student

All eligible families will receive the full rate of payment. As a result, families are no longer required to retain receipts as proof of purchase or wait until they submit their tax return. Hooray!

Changes to Family Tax Benefit Part A

Effective from 1 July 2013

The Government will increase the maximum payment of FTB A by:-

• $300 p.a. for families with 1 child, and

• $600 p.a. for families with 2 or more children

For families receiving the base rate of FTB A, the increase will be:-

• $100 p.a. for families with 1 child, and

• $200 p.a. for families with 2 or more children

For example, a family with two children under the age of 12 will receive a $600 boost, up to a family adjusted taxable income of around $78,000 p.a. or a $200 boost, with a family adjusted taxable income between around $78,000 p.a. and around $112,000 p.a.

Additionally, the Government will tighten the age requirement for FTB A from less than 21 years of age, to less than 18 years of age (or where a young person remains in secondary school, the end of the calendar year in which they turn 19). Individuals who no longer qualify for FTB A may be eligible to receive Youth Allowance subject to usual eligibility requirements.

Childcare costs

Additional help with childcare costs. For parents on income support who are wanting to return to work, the government will provide extra help to meet out-of-pocket childcare expenses through the Jobs, Education and Training Child Care Fee Assistance program. You can find out more here.

Parenting Payment – tightening of the qualification rules

Effective from 1 January 2013

Currently, recipients of Parenting Payment (PP) who were granted the payment prior to 1 July 2006 do not lose eligibility until their youngest child attains age 16.

The Government will align PP eligibility for all recipients so that the payment will cease when the youngest child attains age 6 (for partnered recipients), or age 8 (for single recipients).

 Liquid Asset Waiting Period

Effective from 1 July 2013

The Government will increase the maximum reserve amount for the liquid assets waiting period for recipients of particular income support payments. Liquid assets are assets in the form of cash or those which can be easily converted into cash, including shares and term deposits. A single person without dependents will now have an increased maximum reserve amount of $5,000, while a person who is a member of a couple and/or has a dependent child will now have an increased maximum reserve amount of $10,000.

The change will affect applicants for Newstart Allowance, Youth Allowance, Sickness Allowance and Austudy payments.

Thank you to our guest blogger - Naomi Alleston

Growing up in a farming and small business family provided the foundation for understanding the importance of finance and planning for the future - whatever the future brings.

Offering holistic, fee for advice services, with a logical approach, I start all financial mapping with cash flow details and take the financial planning journey with my clients to help them achieve their financial goals.

Combining my knowledge and passion with our clients dreams... We can ACHIEVEIT

'Easy' Doesn't Mean it's a Cakewalk

The decision to have kids was one that my husband and I had made years before we got married. It wasn’t a decision as such, more of an agreement on what we had always wanted for our lives together – to raise a family and live happily ever after. So when we decided to start trying for a baby and then fell pregnant straight away, I couldn’t believe how perfectly things had gone for us. When I say ‘I couldn’t believe it...’ I mean that quite literally – I couldn’t accept that things had happened so easily and I convinced myself that the pregnancy would fail. It wasn’t all in my head - there were worrying signs that the pregnancy may not progress, and as these continued and the weeks went on I resigned myself to miscarriage in an effort to prepare myself for a loss. I was worried, sad, and miserable, and felt unable to take any joy in what was meant to be one of the most exciting stages of my married life. I found these early months of the pregnancy very difficult, and I wish we had sought the support and warmth of My Midwives earlier than we did.

And so I couldn’t believe the image on the monitor when we went for our 12-week scan - a perfectly formed baby that kicked and wiggled about. Wow, I really was going to have a baby! I loved every minute of the remainder of my pregnancy, and relished the excitement and anticipation that my husband and I shared.

Things continued well for us with the birth of our daughter. We had a healthy little girl who fed and slept well, was loved by many and seemed happy and content. She is what most people would call an ‘easy’ baby, although I wonder how many first-time mothers actually use this term. Of all the advice I was given when pregnant (and there was plenty!) the comment I was most grateful for in those early weeks was this: “Remember, even if you have an ‘easy’ baby, it’s still okay to find it hard.” I have somewhat of a short tether, and I’ve always worried that my tendency to become easily frustrated would be a major shortcoming in my abilities as a mother. I can’t remember how old my baby was the first time that I yelled at her when she wouldn’t stop crying, but I do remember the shocked look on her little face. I quickly put her in her bassinette and walked into the lounge room and sat down and cried. My fears were confirmed – I couldn’t handle caring for a baby. How was I going to cope when she was a toddler? What about when I had more than one child to care for? The disappointment I felt in myself was matched only by my guilt for what I had done.  I wish I could say I never lost my temper and yelled at her again, but I’m sure in the haze of those sleep-deprived early weeks it happened more than once.

Everyone said that things would get easier, and gradually they have. I know that I feel more like myself now; however I know that fundamentally I am forever changed. It’s not a piece of my heart that is attached to my daughter - it feels more like a piece of my gut, my core. It’s hard to describe, but I live in a whole different world now, and she is at its centre.
I realise now that of all the expectations I had of how life as a mother would be, what I wasn’t prepared for was the love. Nothing can prepare you for that. It sort of snuck up on me until I realised it one day when she smiled gently at me from her cot. The love grows with each grasp of her little hand, gazes from big blue eyes that look up at me while she feeds, and smiles that transform her little face. Each gummy grin she bestows makes my eyes water with tears.  She has been smiling for weeks, and I am still afflicted with my misty-eyed condition! How long does this last for? Surely I can endure a smile dry-eyed one day?
The best part is that I know it’s going to keep getting even better. I know the challenging times aren’t over, and I know that in some ways, it is the love that will make things really hard sometimes. But I think that it’s the love that will get us through, too.

Thank you to our guest blogger.

Tuesday, 5 June 2012


That unconditional, overpowering love you feel when you give birth changes your life.

I have been blessed with two amazing daughters.  Of course there have been times in their lives when I have been fearful for them, afraid of the choices they made.  Other times I have been intensely proud of them, rejoicing in their choices!  Cried with and for them as they had their hearts broken, and celebrated when they have announced they have found the man they wished to spend the rest of their lives with.

I was totally unprepared for the emotion I felt when each of them, in turn, announced they were to become mothers. To see them grow both physically and emotionally during their pregnancies.  The knowledge they acquired during this time, making sure they were comfortable with the choices they made.  I know that both girls were much more informed than ever I was during my pregnancies.

I now have four amazing grandchildren.  It is impossible to describe the love I have for them, somehow I almost feel as though I have been given a “second chance”.  I certainly do not have the day to day responsibility, but feel if it is possible to pass on some of the experiences of my life and to be privileged to assist with the teaching, by example, of values and respect that I hope my children’s children will accept in their daily lives. Words can’t really describe this relationship, only a grandparent really knows what it is like to experience this uniqueness, the undying love that will never fade.  The forgiveness I know I will have when they falter and the pride at every success be it small or large.  The wonder at seeing a baby’s eyes light up when there is recognition of your face, their first steps, first swimming lesson,  first day at school, first public performance and so the “firsts” continue.

To every grandmother who has lost a grandchild, my heart goes out to you.  I cannot imagine a more difficult loss.

To my beautiful daughters, thank you for giving me this most precious gift.  And to God for his amazing blessings.

A garden of Love grows in a Grandmother’s heart”  Author Unknown

Post by Guest Blogger

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

No Mummy........cuddle?

Don’t get me wrong,  I love being a mum – and some days are filled to the brim with laughs and silliness and fun….but some days just aren’t.

The other day was one of those, my toddler was being a near 2 year old, and my baby just would not sleep.  By midday I was at breaking point and after the bottom pats trying to get my baby to sleep clocked up to over 500 I lost it.  I walked outside, sat on the step, covered my face, and burst into tears.
I was totally immersed in my feelings of hopelessness until I felt two chubby little hands grab mine and pull them away.  I looked up to see the very confused face of my toddler staring at me. 

Very matter of factly he announced ‘No mummy’, then threw his arms wide and said ‘cuddle’.
And with that, we all got through another day.Thank you to our guest blogger.

Sunday, 20 May 2012

There's a bear in there.................

I think nearly every child in Australia watches playschool at some point in their life.  My sister and I would sit down everyday to watch our favourite presenter Noni along with Benita, John and Colin. 

We used to have competitions to see who could guess which window "round, arched or square" would be picked and what magic lay behind it.  I remember fighting with her about what was better, the rocket or the flower (it's still rocket) and getting excited about the story that was revealed  when it turned around.

It makes you realise how far things have come when you look at your children playing the Playschool App on your i-pad. 

Children still get a lot of enjoyment and education out of playschool so that's why we are pleased to announce that My Midwives is giving away 1 adult and 2 children's (infants are free) tickets to the Playschool concert on the Wednesday 13th of June, 2012 at 11:30am in a Rafflecopter giveaway. 

There are a few different ways to enter which are all on our Facebook page.   All you need to do is "like" us on Facebook, answer the question  "There was a bear in there, what else?" or refer a friend to our page.  A winner will be announced on Friday the 8th of June. 

If this makes you feel all nostalgic go have a look on You Tube at the old Playschool introduction it brings back a lot of memories.  Good luck and have fun!

Pregnancy Seminars

We know when you are pregnant there are always lots of questions.  Come and meet a midwife and have some of your questions answered. We are offering free information evenings so you can learn about what happens in pregnancy, birth and after the birth of your baby.  Find out what proactive steps you can take to get what you want out of your birth.

Many couples find it difficult to make the really important decisions about pregnancy, birth and afterbirth care.  At these regular seminars, you can meet our friendly midwives and you will have time after the presentation to talk one-on-one with them and have all your questions answered.
Topics include:
  •  How do I best take care of myself during pregnancy?
  •  What are my options for birth?
  •  What questions should we be asking my care provider?
  •  What can I expect once the baby is born?
  •  What next?

Essential information about the most important time in your life.

When: Monday 28th May 2012 – 6:30pm to 7:30pm
Where: My Midwives – 331 Margaret Street, Toowoomba
Cost: Free
Midwife: Rebecca Denny

Saturday, 19 May 2012

If children's drawings were toys...............

I found these at a studio which creates these soft toy's based on childrens drawings.  What a compliment to your child to have their creation come alive!