Friday, 20 April 2012


I opened one of my magazines today and found this advertisement.   What do you think it is advertising? 


The simple, yet effective advertisement got me thinking.......................... 

Do people spend more time deciding on the purchase of a car than they do choosing a care provider for their pregnancy, birth and postbirth care?  Tell us your thoughts.



  1. Some people maybe,. Not me

  2. I did think car- or car seat straight away... And to be honest it saddens me that I would bet money on saying most parents to be would spend more time-especially males of course- on reading up on car particulars than who, where, and why they choose their healthcare provider during and after pregnancy. Some women seem to be educating themselves more these days, so maybe the tides are turning slightly...

  3. Yes they do, but I think that people just don't know that there is a choice. They go to their GP who recommends an OB end of story. There is a serious lack of eduction in society on birth options.

    1. Would have to agree with you, but people often don't look for options and choice.

  4. I am finding, when I talk about my great birth experience at My Midwives, a very small percentage have heard of you and most dont even know that there is another option. Most people today either go straight to a hospital to avoid long waiting lists at doctors or they go straight to the doctor believing that this is their only option. GP's need to be educated, hospitals need to be educated in voicing the choice to use the services of a midwife. Dont be discouraged, just ask everyone to tell others!!

    1. Thank you for telling others about us. Referrals are always appreciated and the best way of caring for more women.
