My Midwives is a clinical site for Griffith University's Midwifery Program. We have had several information evenings to talk about the course and we always get asked the question "can I fit this course into my life?". What better way to answer this than hear from a B Mid student who is a mother of two and works part time. Her committment and drive to become a midwife has allowed her to achieve work, study and everything that goes with having a family.
I guess if something is that important to you, you just go ahead and do it. If you are interested in studying to be a midwife applications for the course are still open until until the 20th of December for the 12th of January round offer through QTAC. If you have futher questions you can contact The post is by Jodie who is also an active member of the Friends of the Birth Centre in Toowoomba, yes she is quite a woman!
A Student's Perspective
My passion for midwifery developed after
experiencing the births of my two children and being inspired by the midwives
who supported me. I fell in love with pregnancy and birth, and here began my
insatiable thirst for information and knowledge about the process and
intricacies of the miracle of birth. Midwifery seemed a little of reach for me
as I had no interest in nursing the ‘unwell’ but rather in supporting women at
an extremely empowering time of their life.
I have just completed my first year of full time study. It has been one of the most demanding years of my life but by far one of the most enjoyable and fulfilling. I have had the opportunity to deepen my understanding of the beginning of new life and birth and have also had the privilege of supporting some amazing women who have kindly agreed to allow me some practical insight into their birthing journey. I have learnt from and worked alongside talented and passionate midwives who are inspirational in their love for their vocation.

The ‘mixed mode’ delivery allows you to work in your own time – around a job, your family and other commitments. The shifts at the hospital can fit around your schedule, allowing you to achieve what you need to do at the most appropriate time for you. However, you are not left alone. The support from the clinical lecturers has been invaluable; providing clinical support and encouragement as well as opportunities for debriefing and development.
The theory this year has included topics such as the history and foundation of midwifery, basic health and nursing skills, communication skills, research development, supporting women from conception to the postpartum period, the human body systems and the development of the baby.
The course is impressive with the amount of
practical opportunities that are presented. I have been involved in the care of
over 70 women (and their babies), supported women in over 20 births and have
caught six beautiful babies! This year has deepened my passion for midwifery
and the provision of woman-centered care to all expectant mothers. I am
anticipating the New Year and can’t wait to get my hands on the second year
studies! It is busy, it is demanding (physically, mentally, and emotionally!!!)
but one of the most rewarding courses you could ever do. Anything worth doing
always is!